Troubleshoot Guide: 0xc0000022 Error Code Windows 10

Discover effective troubleshooting solutions to resolve the 0xc0000022 error code on Windows 10. Get expert tips and guidance for fixing this common issue.


By Miya Updated on May 7, 2024

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Could it be said that you are managing the dubious errorcode 0xc0000022 on your Windows 10 framework? This confounding issue can demolish your work process and leave you feeling disappointed, however dread not! In this extensive aide, we will uncover the secret of errorcode 0xc0000022 and give you the information and devices to defeat it like a genius. How about we have a go at suffocating in water.

Understanding error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10

Error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 is an enigmatic message that frequently leaves clients scratching their heads. It normally demonstrates that the program or application neglected to appropriately begin. This outcomes in confined admittance or complete refusal of administration.

Potential causes

Authorization Issue: One of the normal errors behind the 0xc0000022 erroris lacking consents. At the point when a program misses the mark on vital consents to get to specific documents or assets. may cause this error.

Harmed framework records: Framework documents that are harmed or missing can cause error0xc0000022. In the event that a basic part of the working framework is compromised, applications might neglect to appropriately begin.

Malware Disease: at times, malware contamination can impede a program and trigger errorcodes, for example, 0xc0000022. Malignant programming can slow down framework settings or block establishment. Getting to significant records prompts crashes.

Solutionsfor fix errorcode 0xc0000022 in Windows 10


Solution1: Proceed as Chairman

  1. Right-click the program or projects that experienced the error.
  2. Select Run as Chairman from the Solution menu.
  3. Whenever incited, enter your director secret phrase.
  4. Have a go at opening the program again to check whether the error endures.

Solution2: Really look at record consents

  1. Go to the area of the risky program or application.
  2. Right-click on the vitally executable record.
  3. Select properties From the menu eliminate
  4. Go to the security tab. furthermore, ensure your client account has the essential consents.
  5. In the event that essential, change authorizations to give full access.

Solution3: Play out a Framework Document Check (SFC) Sweep

  1. Open Order Fast as manager.
  2. Enter the order sfc/scannow and press Enter.
  3. Hold on until the output is finished and adhere to the on-screen directions.
  4. Restart your PC after the sweep is done.

Solution4: Update Windows

  1. Open Settings from the outset menu.
  2. Go to Refresh and Security
  3. Click Check for refreshes.
  4. Can introduce refreshes for Windows 10
  5. Restart your PC to apply the update.

Solution5: Play out an antivirus check

  1. Open your favored antivirus programming.
  2. Begin a full framework sweep to identify and eliminate any malware.
  3. Follow the prescribed activities to clean or eliminate any dangers found.
  4. Restart your PC after the sweep is done.

Suggested: How to fix Windows 10 error code 0xc0000022

Planning before a medical procedure

  • Prior to beginning your investigating process, ensure you have:
  • Head highlights on your Windows 10 framework
  • Dependable web association with download required updates or apparatuses.
  • Back up significant records to forestall information misfortune in case of startling issues.

Explicit work steps and subtleties

  • Recognize the program or projects that are causing error0xc0000022.
  • Right-click the program or executable document.
  • Select Properties from the Eliminate menu.
  • Look to the Similarity tab.
  • Really look at the container behind Run this program as director.
  • Click Apply and afterward alright to save changes.
  • Have a go at opening the program again to check whether the erroris still there.

General precautionary measures after a medical procedure:

  • Update your antivirus programming consistently and run outputs to forestall malware contaminations.
  • Work on your working framework and programming with the most recent fixes and updates from Microsoft.
  • Be cautious while approving projects. or on the other hand access obscure sites or records To decrease security chances


Q: What is error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10?

A: Error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 implies that a program or projects neglected to begin appropriately because of consent issues or debased framework records.

Q: How would I fix error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10?

A: You can fix error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 by running the program as head, checking record consents, playing out a framework document check (SFC) filter, refreshing Windows, and examining for malware. 

Q: For what reason do I get error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10?

A: Error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 can happen because of lacking consents, undermined framework documents, or malware contaminations that obstruct program usefulness.

Q: Could I at any point fix error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 without chairman freedoms?

A: No. Executive honors are expected to play out some investigating assignments. like calling a program as chairman or changing record consents.

Q: Is error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 a difficult issue?

A: Some time error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 can confound, While this can occur, it tends to be fixed utilizing the fitting investigating steps. Be that as it may, it means a lot to address the hidden reason to rapidly forestall further issues.

Depiction of specialized particulars

Consents: Settings that figure out who can get to or adjust documents, envelopes, and framework assets on the PC.

Framework Document Checker (SFC): A Windows utility that outputs and fixes harmed or missing framework records to guarantee the strength and uprightness of the working framework.

Malware: Hurtful programming intended to obstruct the activity of a PC. Accumulate delicate data or gain unapproved admittance to frameworks.

Tips for effective critical thinking

Customary support: Oversee normal sweeps to really take a look at the honesty of malware and framework documents to rapidly catch and fix issues.

Back up your information: Save significant records and archives to an outside drive or distributed storage to forestall information misfortune in case of framework disappointment.

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Remain informed: Keep in contact with the most recent security weaknesses and programming updates to shield your framework from weaknesses.


In outline, error code 0xc0000022 in Windows 10 can be a baffling issue. Be that as it may, outfitted with the right information and instruments, you can take care of the issue right away. By adhering to the Solutions and directions depicted in this aide. You can tackle issues and fix errors. By reestablishing framework capability and harmony. Make sure to move toward the investigating system with alert while making changes to framework settings and look for help from confided in sources if vital. With tolerance and exertion You will defeat the error 0xc0000022 and become a champ.

Miya · Editor
Miya has an excellent insight and receives professional and systematic technical training since joining AOMEI. She has a comprehensive understanding of computer issues, aiming at helping users troubleshoot all kinds of problems. A lot of computer users around the world have found her articles very helpful!