Country: Germany

Industry: IT service


PC-Blitzhelfer is headquartered in Pliezhausen with a reputation in the region. The company is service-oriented and values the individual care of their customers. Generally it relies on products in the best possible quality and offers services on fair conditions.

What Challenges Did PC-Blitzhelfer Face?

Operating system failure

With the operating system used for a long time, PC-Blitzhelfer is faced with the problem of system crashes and lags. Also there are many other hard disk errors that prevent the system from working normally. The staff tried OS re-installation while it was quite time-consuming.

Inefficient data synchronization

Data sync is also essential for a company. When a large amount of data changes at the same time, however, PC-Blitzhelfer’s present sync software cannot handle it, resulting in low sync efficiency or missing some data files that need to be synchronized.

How Did AOMEI Solve It?

PC-Blitzhelfer could create system image backup immediately with AOMEI after installing a new operating system and some common applications in for saving a lot of time and effort. Thus, if system fails to operate normally, it could be restored to the previous normal state quickly with the system image backup file.
AOMEI has done in-depth research and testing on synchronization efficiency to ensure its stability of sync. Besides, the Real-Time Sync function can help monitor the files or folders and sync any detected changes from source to destination immediately, which is very useful when staff change files frequently.

The Benefits for PC-Blitzhelfer

  • Improved system operating speed

    By restoring the system with backup, PC-Blitzhelfer could improve the system jam problem and increase the system speed by more than 20%.

  • Data sync of high accuracy

    AOMEI Backupper works well in file sync. The data sync process now can be completed easily in simple steps almost without mistakes.

  • High fault tolerance of sync

    With hot backup function, regardless of whether the file is occupied or not, PC-Blitzhelfer can protect the file easily in real time.

Get Enterprise Backup Solutions for Your Critical Data

Simple and reliable AOMEI backup solution for business data, workstations, server, virtual machine, database protection.

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