How to Factory Reset Windows 10 with Keyboard

Let's delve into the details of how to factory reset Windows 10 using keyboard commands.

By @Maggie Last Updated February 1, 2024

Understanding the Need for Factory Reset

Before we dive into the solutions, let's understand why you might need to perform a factory reset on your Windows 10 system. Several factors could contribute to the need for a reset:

1. Performance Degradation: Over time, as you install and uninstall programs, update software, and accumulate files, your system's performance may start to decline.

2. Software Glitches: Sometimes, software conflicts or glitches can arise, causing errors, crashes, or other issues that impact your system's functionality.

3. Malware Infections: Despite antivirus measures, malware can occasionally infiltrate your system, leading to various problems that may necessitate a factory reset to completely eradicate.

Solutions: Step-by-Step Guide

Let's explore a comprehensive solution to guide you through the process of factory resetting your Windows 10 system using only your keyboard:

1. Access Recovery Options:

- Press the "Windows" key + "I" to open the Settings menu.

- Navigate to "Update & Security" and select "Recovery" from the left-hand menu.

- Under "Reset this PC," choose the "Get started" option.

2. Choose Reset Options:

- You'll be prompted to choose between "Keep my files" or "Remove everything." Select the option that best suits your needs.

3. Confirm and Proceed:

- Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your choice and initiate the reset process.

- Your system will restart, and the reset process will begin.

4. Wait for Completion:

- Depending on your system's specifications and the amount of data being removed, the reset process may take some time.

- Allow the process to complete without interruption.

5. Setup Your System:

- Once the reset is complete, you'll need to go through the initial setup process, including configuring your region, language, and other preferences.

- Reinstall any necessary software and restore your backed-up files to complete the process.

Recommendation: AOMEI Backupper

For those looking to safeguard their data before performing a factory reset, AOMEI Backupper is a reliable solution. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive features, AOMEI Backupper allows users to create backups of their entire system, ensuring no data loss during the reset process.


- User-friendly interface suitable for beginners.

- Offers multiple backup options, including system backup, disk backup, file backup, and more.

- Supports automatic backups and scheduled backups for convenience.


- Some advanced features may require additional configuration.

- Limited support for older operating systems may be a drawback for users with outdated hardware.

FAQ: Common Questions About Factory Resetting Windows 10 with Keyboard

Q: Can I factory reset Windows 10 without losing my files?

A: Yes, you can choose the "Keep my files" option during the reset process to retain your personal files while resetting Windows 10.

Q: What keyboard shortcut do I use to open the Settings menu in Windows 10?

A: Press the "Windows" key + "I" to open the Settings menu in Windows 10.

Q: Will factory resetting Windows 10 remove viruses?

A: Yes, factory resetting Windows 10 will remove all installed software, including viruses and malware. However, it's essential to install reputable antivirus software afterward to prevent future infections.

Q: How long does it take to factory reset Windows 10 with keyboard commands?

A: The duration of the factory reset process varies depending on factors such as your system's specifications and the amount of data being removed. It typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

Q: Do I need any special equipment to factory reset Windows 10 with keyboard commands?

A: No, factory resetting Windows 10 with keyboard commands can be done using built-in recovery options. Simply follow the on-screen prompts to initiate the reset process.

Q: Will factory resetting Windows 10 improve performance?

A: Yes, factory resetting Windows 10 can improve performance by removing clutter and restoring your system to its original state. However, it's essential to regularly maintain your system to sustain optimal performance.

Key Tech Terms Explained:

1. Factory Reset: The process of restoring a device to its original state, typically erasing all user data and settings.

2. Keyboard Shortcut: A combination of keystrokes that perform a specific function or command, providing a quick and efficient way to navigate and operate a computer.

3. Recovery Options: Built-in tools and utilities provided by the Windows operating system that allow users to troubleshoot and restore their system in the event of issues or errors.

Helpful Tips:

1. Back Up Your Data: Before performing a factory reset, it's essential to back up any important data to prevent loss.

2. Update Your Backup Regularly: Make it a habit to update your backups regularly to ensure your data is always protected.

3. Use Reputable Software: When choosing backup software, opt for reputable solutions like AOMEI Backupper to ensure reliability and functionality.


In conclusion, factory resetting Windows 10 with keyboard commands offers a convenient and efficient way to restore your system to its original state. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article and considering the recommendation of AOMEI Backupper for data backup, you can confidently navigate the reset process and ensure your Windows 10 system runs smoothly. Remember to back up your data, follow best practices for system maintenance, and seek professional assistance if needed to achieve the best results.