Troubleshooting Guide: Windows 11 Won't Wake Up from Sleep

Read this post to learn some effective solutions and preventive measures for the common issue of Windows 11 not waking up from sleep mode.

By @Zoey Last Updated February 21, 2024

Have you ever experienced the frustration of your Windows 11 PC refusing to wake up from sleep mode? It's a common issue that can disrupt your workflow and cause unnecessary stress. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the reasons behind this problem and provide you with practical solutions to resolve it effectively.

Understanding the Problem

Windows 11's failure to wake up from sleep mode can stem from various factors. Sometimes, it's due to misconfigured power settings, outdated drivers, or conflicting software. Other times, it could be a result of hardware issues or system errors. Understanding these underlying causes is crucial for implementing the right solutions.

Troubleshooting Steps

Step 1: Checking Power Settings

One of the first things to do when troubleshooting this issue is to review your power settings. Ensure that your system is configured to allow it to wake up from sleep mode properly. Adjusting these settings can often resolve the problem without much hassle.

Step 2: Updating Drivers and Software

Outdated drivers or software can also contribute to sleep mode issues. Make sure to keep your drivers and operating system up to date to avoid compatibility issues. This simple step can significantly improve system stability and performance.

Step 3: Disabling Hybrid Sleep

Hybrid sleep, a feature designed to combine the benefits of sleep and hibernation, can sometimes cause conflicts. Disabling hybrid sleep in your power settings may help resolve the waking up issue and prevent future occurrences.

Step 4: Adjusting Hibernation Settings

Hibernation settings can also affect your system's ability to wake up from sleep mode. Adjusting these settings, such as extending the hibernation time or disabling it altogether, can sometimes alleviate the problem.

Advanced Solutions

Option 1: Utilizing MyRecover

MyRecover is a powerful tool that can help you recover from system errors and restore your PC's functionality. By utilizing this tool, you can diagnose and fix issues related to sleep mode failure efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide for DIY Data Recovery

1. Download and Install MyRecover

To initiate the DIY data recovery process using MyRecover, follow these steps:

Visit the official website of MyRecover and locate the download section.

Download the MyRecover tool compatible with your operating system (Windows or Mac).

Run the installation wizard and follow the on-screen instructions to install MyRecover on your system.

2. Launch MyRecover and Select Drive

Once installed, launch the MyRecover application:

Open MyRecover and allow the application to initialize.

From the main interface, choose the drive or storage device from which you need to recover data.

3. Scan for Lost Data

MyRecover performs a thorough scan to identify lost or deleted files:

Initiate the scanning process and allow MyRecover to analyze the selected drive.

The scanning time may vary based on the size and speed of the storage device.

4. Preview and Select Files

Before finalizing the recovery process, preview and select the files:

MyRecover provides a preview of the recovered files to ensure their integrity.

Select the files you wish to recover and choose a destination for the restored data.

5. Complete the Recovery Process

Finalize the DIY data recovery process using MyRecover:

Click on the "Recover" button to initiate the data recovery process.

Wait for MyRecover to restore the selected files to the specified location.

Option 2: Tweaking Registry Settings

For advanced users, tweaking registry settings can offer additional control over system behavior. However, it's essential to proceed with caution and only make changes if you're familiar with the registry editor.

Option 3: Running System Maintenance Tools

Running system maintenance tools, such as disk cleanup and system file checker, can help identify and resolve underlying issues that may be causing sleep mode problems. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your system running smoothly.

Preventive Measures

Tip 1: Keeping System Updated

Regularly updating your operating system, drivers, and software is crucial for maintaining system health and preventing sleep mode issues. Set up automatic updates to ensure that your system is always up to date.

Tip 2: Regularly Cleaning Temporary Files

Accumulated temporary files can clutter your system and affect its performance. Periodically cleaning out these files can help improve overall system stability and responsiveness.

Tip 3: Monitoring System Performance

Keeping an eye on your system's performance can help you identify potential issues before they escalate. Use built-in performance monitoring tools or third-party software to track system metrics and address any anomalies promptly.


In conclusion, dealing with Windows 11's refusal to wake up from sleep mode doesn't have to be a daunting task. By understanding the underlying causes and following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively resolve the issue and prevent it from recurring. Remember to stay proactive about system maintenance and keep your software up to date to ensure smooth and uninterrupted performance.


Q: Why does Windows 11 sometimes fail to wake up from sleep mode?

A: Windows 11 may fail to wake up from sleep mode due to various reasons, including misconfigured power settings, outdated drivers, or software conflicts.

Q: Can MyRecover help fix sleep mode issues in Windows 11?

A: Yes, MyRecover is a useful tool for diagnosing and resolving system errors, including those related to sleep mode failure.

Q: What are some preventive measures to avoid sleep mode problems in Windows 11?

A: Preventive measures include keeping your system updated, regularly cleaning temporary files, and monitoring system performance for any anomalies.